Business Tip: How to Run a Successful Incentive Campaign

Incentive campaign

Ok, so you’ve done all your prep work. You know what you want to do, you have a plan… now how do you make it happen? After running several energizing campaigns for Ruby® Receptionists’ live phone answering crew, I’m excited to share four more tips about the nuts ‘n’ bolts of running an inspiring campaign!

Timing is everything.

During your busy season, it might not be in your best interest to launch a participation-based campaign when your staff will be focusing elsewhere. However, incentive campaigns are a fabulous tool to add some pick-me-up to a slow season or a dreary winter month!

Make it fun!

Incentive campaigns should shake up the ol’ humdrum routine and make people feel appreciated and part of team effort. Competition can be a valuable motivator for some people, but it can also tear a team apart, so it’s important to find a balance.


I like to launch our incentive campaigns at our quarterly staff meetings because it gives me a chance to get our virtual receptionists jazzed about it right off the bat. After you launch, be sure the keep up the cheerleading! Use everything you’ve got — emails, company newsletters, a bulletin board, flyers in the office, intranet sites, and so on to promote and create excitement.

Find your influencers and get them involved.

Leading by example works. Getting your company’s senior members and managers on board is definitely important, but employees look up to more people than just their boss. Regardless of their title, if you can find those influencers and put a bit of extra focus on getting them engaged, I think you will be surprised with how well that will motivate your team as a whole.

You’ve heard what I do for our team of live virtual receptionists; are there other tricks that you use to keep employees happy and motivated? Post your tip below!