Thanks for the Thanks

Last week a friend and I enjoyed a restful Thanksgiving holiday with my family in Idaho.  We arrived the Wednesday before Thanksgiving, and spent the long weekend cooking, eating, laughing, and enjoying the beautiful scenery.   I had a great time relaxing in the company of loved ones, and as usual, I was a little sad when the vacation ended.  After many hugs and a few final bites of turkeyday leftovers, we headed back to Portland Sunday morning.

When I returned to work the following Monday, I found enough cheer in my email inbox to quell my post-vacation blues.   In fact, after reading my email, I was a little sad about having gone home for Thanksgiving, because it was clear that I missed a lot of fun at the office.  There had apparently been a dessert potluck on Wednesday, and many thank-yous were sent to the entire staff concerning the delicious treats shared that day.   Our staff received several holiday messages from clients while I was out, most of which were followed with emails from Ruby staffers exclaiming, “I love this client,” and the like.  It sounds a bit silly, but catching up on my messages was heartwarming.  I doubt many people can say that of their office inboxes.

Since Monday, I’ve taken special note of the gracious messages regularly sent to and from our employees, and the many thank-yous exchanged around the office.  I am proud to report that the staff at Ruby Receptionists doesn’t need a holiday to prompt the giving of thanks.   Expressions of appreciation and gratitude are as common as Hello and How-may-I-help-you in our virtual receptionist office.  It is hard to have a bad day when surrounded by a staff as kind and thoughtful as ours, and for that, I am very thankful.

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