If your mind has ever gone blankย at the sound of aย voicemail beep!, then you know fumbling to leave anย awkward voicemail message isn’t fun. Leavingย a rambling message on your best pal’s phone may be noย biggie, but a solid message is key when callingย a major clientย you hope to do business with.
Our clients knowย thatย Ruby is not only a fantastic phone answering solution โ our virtual receptionists can make outbound calls on behalf of our clients, too, and theseย pros have no fear of the beep! Here are some tips from the Ruby teamย for leaving a voicemail message that is sure to impress:
Plan before you dial.ย
Leaving a thoughtful message can be a breezeย if you envision the possibility of reaching that beep!ย Consider what you’dย want toย convey in a voicemail before making your call. Do you have a message that can be summed up shortly? Or would you rather simply ask for a return call if you reach voicemail?ย Many voicemail systems allow onlyย a minute or two of recording time, soย mentally mapping out aย concise message can help you avoid being cut off mid-sentence.
Useย the three-part voicemail start.
When you hear that beep!, begin your message with a warm, three-partย introduction. First, greet the person you’re calling. Next,ย introduce yourself with your name, and add your company name if applicable. Finally, state your telephone number.ย Giving your contact information right away helps ensure that the personย you’re calling can return your call even if your messageย is cut off.ย Here’s what a friendly three-partย start looks like:ย โHi, Denise! This is Phoebe Osborn from Ruby Receptionists. I can be reached at 866-611-7829.โ
Put your planย in action.
Now it’s time to leave that message. Aren’t you glad you took a moment to plan ahead before making your call? Keep it short and sweet. If you have a lot to convey, leave the gist and politely request a follow-up call: “I have some questions about next week’s conference, and I’d love to talk to you about them. Would you please call me when you have a chance?”
End with a wave and a smile, voicemail style.
Wrap up your message by restating your name, company name, and telephone number, and be sure to add a friendly comment before signing off: โAgain, this is Phoebe Osborn from Ruby at 866-611-7829. Have a wonderful day!โ