Business Writing Blog Is a Great Resource

During a recent search for writing tips, I had the good fortune of finding Lynn Gaertner-Johnston’s blog, Business Writing.  I have since referred to this blog many times, and have found it incredibly helpful.  Gaertner-Johnston’s writing covers a wide variety of topics, and the blog’s search feature makes finding specific answers easy.  This blog also features links to several other helpful online resources.  Business Writing is the first site I turn to when I have a specific stylistic question, and it is a great place to browse and quickly learn something new.   Professionalism is very important to Ruby Receptionists, and I am thankful to Lynn Gaertner-Johnston for helping me strengthen my writing by sharing her expertise in a fun, interesting, user-friendly format.  The next time you’re wondering what to write or how to write it, check out this fantastic resource.

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