Can Virtual Receptionists Make Calls on My Behalf?

Virtual Receptionists Outbound Calling
Virtual Receptionist Crystal G.

You’re in court and your virtual receptionist sends you a timely message, but you can’t return the call. You’re at the worksite all day and can’t be interrupted, but you forgot to cancel your 2:00pm appointment. Your whole office is in meetings for the day and you need to remind a client to bring in paperwork for you to sign tomorrow.

Never fear – Ruby’s here! Let us make the call for you.

As a Sales Associate, I often get asked, “Can Ruby Receptionists make calls on my behalf?” And I’m glad to say, “Absolutely!” Our receptionists are happy to place outbound calls to confirm appointments, relay information, or gather more details on your behalf.

But how does it work? You can make an outgoing call request, or “Assists” as we call them, in a number of ways:

  • Simply reply to a message. When you receive a message from Ruby, simply hit “Reply” and add a note on what you’d like us to say: “Please call Dave back and let him know that I mailed his paperwork on Friday.”
  • Email us. Send the person’s name and phone number to, and we’ll gladly place the call on your behalf: “Hi Dave! This is Ruby calling from Mr. Smith’s office. He wanted to let you know that he mailed your paperwork on Friday. Is there anything else we can do to help?”
  • Call us. You’re always welcome to call us at 866-611-7829 to place your request. Any receptionist who answers is able to take down the information and get our specially-trained A-Team on the case!

Feel free to use Assists as often as you like! They are completely optional, and you are only billed for the time you use.

Questions? Feel free to give me a call at 866-611-7829 or Tweet us @callruby. I’m happy to help!

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