First impressions: you never get a second chance to make them, and at Ruby, we’re all about making them great.
For our virtual receptionists, answering the phone is a chance to show off our super-friendly stuff. A company’s greeting plays a key part in making an impeccable impression on a caller, and we love helping new clients craft greetings that wow!
As a receptionist, you play a crucial role in connecting callers with the information or assistance they need. However, with so many different personalities and situations, it can sometimes be challenging to establish a rapport with every caller. In this blog post, we’ll share some tips and strategies to help receptionists connect with any caller.
Note: This article was first published in 2018. We updated it in September 2022.
1. Start with a greeting.
I know, you’re shocked.
But, first things first: simply stating your company name isn’t enough. Begin your company’s phone greeting with “Hello,” or “Thank you for calling,” or, if most of your callers are in the same time zone, try “Good morning/afternoon.” Better yet, combine two or three of these options in your greeting.
A greeting is not only polite, but serves practical purposes, such as…
- Creating a friendly tone for the conversation
- Demonstrating that you’re a real person (and maybe located in the same time zone or region as the caller)
- Giving you an extra moment to prepare for the call
- Ensuring you and the caller can hear each other
Welcome your callers with a few warm words before saying anything else. A little courtesy goes a long way!
2. Listen actively
One of the most important skills for a receptionist is active listening. When a caller contacts your organization, they want to feel heard and understood. By actively listening to their needs and concerns, you can establish trust and build a connection. Avoid interrupting the caller, and ask clarifying questions to ensure that you understand their needs.
3. Offer assistance.
“How may I help you?” Ah, what beautiful words. When answering the phone, let your callers know you’re raring to make their day by rounding off your greeting with a question. “How may I help you today?” and “How may I assist you?” are two rock-solid options.
Are you routing calls rather than addressing questions when answering the phone? Perhaps try “How may I direct your call?” Is there a question you need to ask every caller? Ask it! (“May I have your account number please?”)
4. Be patient
Sometimes callers can be demanding or difficult, which can be frustrating for receptionists. However, it’s essential to remain patient and professional in these situations. Take a deep breath and remain calm, and remember that you’re there to help the caller.
5. Follow up
After you’ve helped a caller, it’s always a good idea to follow up to ensure that their needs have been met. This can be as simple as sending a quick email or making a phone call to check in. Following up shows that you care about the caller’s experience and can help build long-term relationships.
Depending on the caller and type of call, you may want to keep the conversation going or end the conversation as soon as possible. In either case, remember to always center the caller’s needs.
Because every customer wants to feel considered, ending your greeting with a helpful question makes for a great customer experience every step of the way.
Putting it all together—the perfect way to answer the phone
After all is said and done, here’s what the finished phone greeting should look like, er… sound like, rather:
“Good morning! Thank you for calling ABC Company. How may I help you today?”
I feel good just reading it. Sure beats the heck out of “Hello”!
Of course, your greeting is only part of the amazing-memorable-unbeatable call handling equation. Find more phone answering and customer experience tips in our resource library!
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