When people are in crisis, can your business come to the rescue?

Red lifebuoy on blue background

Picture this: You’re days into a power crisis, living with no electricity or running water, and your roof starts leaking. A chunk of your ceiling collapses, dumping rubble all over your bed. Then another leak occurs in your bathroom…and another in your kitchen.  

It sounds like a nightmare, but not long ago, this exact sequence of events was reality for Lisa Gochman, a resident of Houston, Texas. 

“It’s a hot mess,” Gochman told The New York Times. “I’m trying to just kind of go with it…I’ve cried a couple times.” 

Sadly, Gochman is far from the only person who has had to deal with this sort of crisis. In the aftermath of the severe weather of February 2021, countless people in Texas and beyond have faced—or are currently facing—painful hardships and tragedies.  

Maybe you know someone who has experienced a similar situation. Maybe that someone is you, and you don’t have to imagine anything.  

Many of us have experienced the kind of “hot mess” Gochman describes. With the recent fires and freezes in states that house our own employees, we know firsthand the crucial roles local businesses serve in getting people back on their feet. When disaster strikes, we rely on our local plumbers, electricians, HVAC technicians, healthcare providers, legal professionals, and other businesses for immediate assistance. 

Gochman was able to contact a plumbing service that could help her quickly. But not everyone is as fortunate. After all, disasters impact businesses, too.  

As they endeavor to help people in need, those plumbers, electricians, and other intrepid professionals may be dealing with outages, messes, and difficulties of their own. On top of their and their families’ needs, business owners may encounter serious, compounding staffing and communication challenges.  

It’s another nightmare scenario. You’re getting an influx of calls and website inquiries from customers and clients who need service—ASAP—at the worst possible time for you and your team.  

When your business and the people you serve are facing the same crisis, how can you come to the rescue? 

It’s possible—all you need are the right tools.  

An automated lead tool, for instance, enables your business to meet demand when you or your employees are unavailable. It collects key information from people in need, so as soon as you’re able to, you can communicate with clients or customers, prioritize the most urgent needs, and coordinate follow-up.  

Live chat takes the conversation further, connecting website visitors with trained specialists who can answer their questions and guide them through the next steps with empathy and compassion. 

Automated or live, chat means less burden on you and your team, more control over your business, and more time to focus on your family and livelihood. 

People rely on local businesses—and thousands of businesses across the United States rely on Ruby. Learn about how Ruby makes it easy to connect with the people you serve

If you’re looking for ways to help people in need, consider giving through one or more of these nonprofit organizations:  

Our hearts go out to all of those who are currently being impacted by the severe weather in Texas and other parts of the country. We’re here to support you and hope that you and your loved ones stay safe! 

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