Thanks But No Thanks: How to Politely Decline Solicitations

Most businesses would like every one of their callers to feel like they’ve spoken to someone who is friendly and professional. That’s just good business, after all! Solicitors, however, aren’t always considered legitimate callers, and it’s easy to brush them off by abruptly ending the call. Next time, consider taking those extra few seconds to politely decline solicitations from the caller instead. Whether or not your company accepts their calls, solicitors are indeed a touchpoint for any business.

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How Nice Is Just Right?

By using a little friendly professionalism to politely decline solicitations, you’ll create a great impression on these often-overlooked callers. As they say, a little kindness goes a long way; being nice will often keep the solicitor from pushing back or calling again.

That’s not to say that you have to buy anything or spend a ton of time on the phone with a solicitor. In fact, it’s incredibly easy to get the desired result: politely declining solicitations is possible to do while still being warm and friendly! To politely decline solicitations professionally, you can say:

“I appreciate your call, but we’re not interested.”

“Thank you for reaching out, but we respectfully decline.”

“We’re unable to accept your offer, but we appreciate you contacting us.”

“Thank you for considering us, but we’ll have to pass on this occasion.”

“We appreciate your interest, but it doesn’t align with our current needs.”

Kindness Counts

Telemarketing is a tough job, and your kind words toward a solicitor might be the only nice thing they’ve heard in a while. At Ruby®, we do our best to screen out and politely decline solicitations on behalf of our clients. These are a few of the compliments we’ve heard after actually rejecting a solicitor’s services.

“It was very pleasant speaking with you. People can be so cold and rude on the phone, but you are so sweet and so warm. I just wanted to pass that on to you. Thank you for your time.”

“Thank you for being nice to me.”

“I just started this job and I get hung up on a lot, but you are the most pleasant person I’ve spoken with.”

Politely Decline Solicitations to Help Your Business Score!

A solicitor who receives this kind of treatment is often less pushy and more likely to do what you’ve asked— in other words, making a good impression can pay off. By working in a little kindness to politely decline solicitations, your business will look great, and you just might make someone’s day.

Of course, if you don’t want to decline solicitations, we can do that for you! Discover how it works in our free What is a virtual receptionist? ebook!